This is God... Accually its just me L0rd_De57r0
sup, 7h15 15 L0rd_De57r0, 7h15 F145h 0wnz!!! k33p up 7h3 g00d w0rk!!! (7r4n514710n)---> (Translation)---> Sup, This is L0rd_De57r0, This flash Ownz!!! keep up the good work!!!
Oh by the way this is P34r50n, Email me at I like your stuff.
go to this site to watch L0rd De57r0 in action, do you know what couter-strike is? he talks about that so i dunno if it'ed be funny if you didnt know what counter-strike is, anyway heres the site:
# 1:go to toons
#2:find one that sayd L0rd_De57r0's So-and-so
He says stuff like: w00t w00t! This mod R0x0rz, Counter-strike Sux0rz, Time to make my own M0d0rz.
and stuff like that. its sweet. well be sure to email me and give me your email address, k?
well cya